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Acrylic on Panel - 12" x 9"

Inspired by a ruined abbey I saw on the coast of England, this study is an exploration of feelings about the inevitability of time. We erect monumental structures in an attempt to outlast the progress of the ages, but everything must pass in the end, whether it be the fleeting lives of butterflies or slow erosion of edifices of stone.…

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#personalvisions #fineart #portals

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in reply to Michael Whelan

Ah, but Britons designate these structures as "Grade 1", making them prohibitively expensive to attempt to restore, and absolutely DARING them to crumble away

João Pinheiro reshared this.

Alguém me sabe dizer porque é que nos descontam os três primeiros dias de atestado médico/baixa médica? Ficamos doentes porque queremos? Nos meses em que não ficamos doentes, temos algum alívio nos descontos? Algum prémio extra? É só curiosidade...

João Pinheiro reshared this.

Unknown parent

João Pinheiro


Pois, é o poder a lixar quem lhes deu o poder!

Governing by the people, for the peole"... 🙁 I guess that's written somewhere, right?!

João Pinheiro reshared this.

You Need to Update Your Browser, Like, Yesterday…

João Pinheiro reshared this.

in reply to Patrick C Miller :donor:

@catsalad isn’t Firefox specifically *not* made using Chromium? The writer of the article included it in the list of browsers that do.

João Pinheiro reshared this.

Children have a hard time surviving the war. How much pain in those eyes. The girl is crying because she sees the ruins of her kindergarten, where she loved to go💔
The Russians are destroying our homes, our schools, kindergartens, hospitals, the list is very long. All these are not military objects.

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João Pinheiro reshared this.

Slackbastard: **Neo-Nazis attack anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury, Friday September 15**

"TLDR: On Friday night, a small group of neo-Nazis armed with knives attempted to disrupt an anti-fascist benefit gig in Thornbury. Happily, the cowards were chased away by attendees. Currently, while several have previously been identified as belonging to Tom …"…

#anarchism #bot

João Pinheiro reshared this.

João Pinheiro reshared this.

Coffee makes everything possible…

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João Pinheiro reshared this.

The priority should therefore not be to replace every car with its electric equivalent but rather to rethink mobility in general

It’s true that fully electric vehicles do not emit waste products but the batteries that supply energy to the vehicle are made of minerals like lithium and cobalt which have an impact on climate change.

And those mines have incredible environmental and health impacts in the places that they exist…

#pollution #ecology #environment #climate

in reply to Robert Sanscartier

This. The idea that we should be working on a one to one replacement of ICE vehicles with electric ones is madness. We need to be looking to replace as many as possible of them with public transit and cycles of all kinds. And with more remote working, and better access to everyday needs locally so we don't have to spend so much time travelling about at all.

João Pinheiro reshared this.

In the forests of Värmland, just outside Karlstad, one of Sweden's largest private collections of vintage vehicles has resided in a private museum for decades.

Of the 87 #motorcycles in the collection, the majority date from the 1920s and 1930s, featuring well-known names such as #Harley Davidson, #Zündapp, and #Indian, Pierce Four, #Rambler, and #Simplex

The Liljegren Collection is a lifelong achievement.
The auction ends Wednesday-Sunday the 20th-24th of September.…

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João Pinheiro reshared this.

A não-notícia de ontem: irmã de 12 anos mata irmã de 19 anos, à facada, por causa duma discussão sobre a posse dum telemóvel!

Está bonito, está!

João Pinheiro reshared this.…

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João Pinheiro reshared this.

Today, someone on #Diaspora called me a troll. It was the second time that happened! And who were the kind people calling me #troll? Well, two kind supporters of #Russian mother land! Two #communists!

I have to thank the first Russian #propagandist because, after having had the first dialogue, I ended up reading some more information about #communism, which strengthened my anti- communism position and led me to discover #anarchism!

Today, this fellow, called me troll because I didn't agree with him and his propaganda discourse! He said that I had to prove everything I said. I don't have the time to write a treaty every time I say something. Nor do I want to bother myself with blindfolded communists!

He blocked me! Wow! Great argument!

It's interesting that all the sources they cite are good, but any that I mention isn't!

Well, I'll just say this here: it's an honour for me to be called a troll by #communists, #capitalists, #fascists, #racists, etc! They are all the same!

I'm just an #anarchist and I have dedicated my life to contribute for a better world, not for killing people!

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in reply to João Pinheiro

Another interesting fact is that I know not of any beautiful communist paradise whose goal is not war and expanding their influence through military means and controlling their populations through fear. Their ideal societies work almost solely to produce more weapons and to feed the military machines, even though their populations may be starving to death!

Lovely ideology, isn't it?

BTW, capitalist/fascist/communist societies are the same. They only dress differently!

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to João Pinheiro

Actually, communism and anarchism are two leaves of the same branch, one explaining what to do with property and the other with power: just abolish them.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to António Manuel Dias

No, no, they are not. That comparison is way too simple! Anarchism is a totally different animal!
in reply to António Manuel Dias

Have you read Enquiry Concerning Political Justice by William Godwin? It's the first written text of anarchism and its philosophical cornerstone. It's also a great read!
in reply to António Manuel Dias

@António Manuel Dias I remembered something interesting: if they were two leaves of the same plant, — which they aren't —, the Russian communists wouldn't have killed as many anarchists as they were able to get hold of after they helped them to end the Tsar's reign. 😁
in reply to João Pinheiro

The bloodiest wars are always between brothers. Anyway, I meant that communist and anarchist *ideologies* are two leaves of the same branch, not that some people calling themselves communists and anarchists love each other. Like in the song, no religion, no nation, no property. Atheism, anarchism, communism, all together now 🙂…

in reply to António Manuel Dias

@joaopinheiro, if the words of John Lennon don't convince you, how about those of the common anthem? From L'Internationale, anarchism and communism intertwined:

"Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes
Ni Dieu, ni César, ni tribun,
Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes
Décrétons le salut commun"


"Ouvriers, paysans, nous sommes
Le grand parti des travailleurs
La terre n'appartient qu'aux hommes
L'oisif ira loger ailleurs"…

in reply to António Manuel Dias

@António Manuel Dias Probably the main difference between the two is that communists will kill anyone that opposes himself to their ideology, anyone who doesn't obey/ abide by someone's laws and the anarchists will only do that in self-defence or to defend family or friends. And this means the world to me! Anarchists don't impose anything, we talk and find solutions, there's no chain of power or command, no hierarchy, no class stratification. We're all humans trying to be better and building a better community for all. It's the people, the community taking care of itself, just like villagers are doing right now in Morocco.
in reply to João Pinheiro

@joaopinheiro, since the 19th century that anarchists have resorted to violence as a means to achieve social change, including bombings and assassinations. I suppose the assassinations of anarchists by communists you referred to earlier was that struggle for power in Russia that the communists eventually won. But aren't both communism and anarchism against power structures? Ideas, words and actions are different things. Anyone can take an idea and use it to justify anything.
in reply to António Manuel Dias

@António Manuel Dias @João Pinheiro

True. But, the point is that anarchists did that to defend themselves and to defend their families and friends from oppressing regimes, while communists did that before and after having the power in their hands.

Whilst communist ideology includes violence and murder to impose itself, anarchist ideology is peaceful and doesn't include forcing it down anyone's throat at gun-point!

Anarchists didn't ever kill "the people", nor did they kill and rob old ladies living in their ancient lands from their meager possessions: they killed military or oppressing forces. They defend the community. They are like Robin Hood.

Communists killed military and oppressing forces AND they killed and robbed everybody ("the people"), including the meager possessions of old widows living peacefully in their remote and ancient places. They are... well... like Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung, etc.

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in reply to João Pinheiro

Did anarchists murder the President of the USA or Italian King to defend their families and friends? But, as I said, anyone can use any idea to justify any action. Nazis were "socialists"...
in reply to António Manuel Dias

in reply to João Pinheiro

You are making assumptions about me 😉 but again:

There were organized anarchists in the Russian and Spanish civil wars, I wouldn't classify that as non-violence. When you talk about "true anarchists" you have a point, but the same can be said about "true communists". Nothing in the political/economical theory of communism mentions violence, thought control, the losing of individual freedom, etc.

in reply to António Manuel Dias

in reply to João Pinheiro

There can be no "communist regimes", in the same sense that there can be no "anarchist banks". Communism is just an economic theory dealing with the question "who should be the owner" and anarchism a political theory dealing with the question "who should be the ruler". Both theories propose the same answer to those questions, "no one", but then things get complicated when trying to find out how to get there from here.
in reply to António Manuel Dias

And that's where people got divided in the end of the 19th century, arguing about a multitude of paths. Divided people are fertile grounds for "leaders" to come forward and take advantage of people's beliefs and faith for their own gains by violent means. When you go there, you're lost.
in reply to António Manuel Dias

About the assumptions. You were assuming my position in the political spectrum based on this discussion, but I never said where I stand. A poor hint at that may be found in my profile picture. And my name is not Nelson 😉
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to António Manuel Dias

@António Manuel Dias

Only now, António (sorry about my confusion) did I read this message. You replied directly and I didn't get it on

We could be writing in Portuguese... It seems that no one wants to join the discussion.

I wasn't making assumptions. I expect people to tell me where they stand if they want to. And now I've seen it! 😀

Do you live in the North, Centre or South?

@João Pinheiro @João Pinheiro

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

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L’Union européenne ouvre une enquête sur les subventions publiques chinoises aux automobiles électriques…

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João Pinheiro reshared this.

In solitude we give passionate attention to our lives, to our memories, to the details around us.
**Virginia Woolf

Cannon Beach #Oregon 🇺🇸 ©️ Kai Yhun
#photooftheday #photo #photography #landscapephotography #naturephotography

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#DRM isn't just an annoyance -- it's a violation of your right to use the items you own as you see fit. Learn more about our Defective by Design campaign at, and follow our campaign account at @endDRM
in reply to Free Software Foundation

please please please make these stickers far easier to acquire!

How do you not recognize that they're the movement's best statement??

The more people can PUT THEM ON THINGS, the more people will start to think twice about using things they find them on!

Yes, there's even one on the console of my Tesla.

...but I'm almost out of them, and the iphone 15 is about to drop! please help!

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