Ok, eu li um negócio aqui esses dias que me deixou perturbado. Não sei o que pensar. Tá fermentando aqui.

I got into trouble because I gave an interview in an art magazine in America where I said I am deeply suspicious about the idea of radical art being able to change the system because the system is based on the idea of self-expression. That’s central to modern consumer capitalism. The idea that if you buy those trainers, you’re expressing yourself. I mean that however radical your actual content in your artwork is, the underlying way you are doing it – through self-expression – is in a sense feeding the very system you are trying to undermine. You’re actually bloating it. When you say awful, terrible things on Facebook, you’re actually feeding Facebook.

To go back to the question of what the new politics might be, one of things people will have to do is give up the idea they’re expressing themselves. I think that’s going to be one of the most difficult things in our age. I’ve always thought one of the great underlying dynamics of our time is the self-consciousness of every individual, the sense that they feel they’re being watched. You would actually have to give that up and say I’m working for this goal or for other people, but what it needs to go with that is a really good idea. It needs to be a really imaginative idea. You have to actually make an effort.


Agora quero conhecer mais esse cara. Não sei onde teria os documentários dele. Tem um blog antigo abandonado no site da BBC, quem sabe dá pra tirar alguma coisa de lá.