MarkText editor – nice free, open source tool

New find, a lovely MarkDown text editor

This morning I stumbled across an interesting blog, and in it, a reference to a good markdown text editor.

Have tried others before, and not for long; I am familiar with the MD tags, and work well with the EditPad Lite text editor, or from inside the nice Dark Themed Write.freely blog editor, if I am composing a new blog page.

The review is really well done, got my attention – and I made a post on Twitter about it soon after. Painful, with Twitter's crippling small limit for posts, broken up in many parts, which makes it more difficult to create a coherent presentation.

However – writing it was the push to download and install MarkText – and to collate some of the thoughts in the Tweets into a longer, Fediverse intended post. This one, being written inside MarkText itself, my first trial. And it looks and feels wonderful already.

What's to like in MarkText?

Much, I think – it's open sourced, no cost to try and to keep using for the future (unlike some similar alternatives, either trialware or outright commercial software).

And much more

I am starting using it, and just the very first impression was very good – it feels light, fast, easy to work with. An improved version of the WF editor I enjoy a lot.

But this is a more advanced feature, there if you want to try and use it (and to be loved by many, I am sure)

Back to the basics

Some nice and simple things that quickly shine:

Handy, and this enables MarkText to be useful for many other writing tasks, even if there's no MD formatting intended. I can see it becoming my editor of choice for letter writing, for example... 🖍📝🙂

(where I usually go for the long form, and could overwhelm a recipient if they are reading my text on a mobile device screen)

Which include HTML and PDF. The html option allows some more controls. You can set a Page Title, and if desired, use a configured Theme.

For users wanting to export MarkDown formatted text into a Zonelets blog, these are not important, as we have the css controls for text appearance already.

Select export HTML, and paste the text into a normal text editor with the Zonelets post template. Later as we get more familiar with this tool, we could open the Zonelets Template page and edit, save a new ZL blog post directly from MarkText — complete and ready for uploading. 🙂✔

This is very quickly becoming a comfortable place to write in. I like and recommend it.

Give it a try and share your comments – thank you.

This page created entirely in MarkDown language. Thank you for reading, feel free to comment about this post – reach me at my Writer's Lounge.

R.G. ^—top of page