Musings by @rg


Después de haber estado usando la maravillosa plataforma de blogs Write.freely durante un par de semanas ahora, finalmente me encontré con una bonita página de documentación (idioma francés). Desearía haberlo visto antes, ya que no encontré mucha información de la que aprender cuando empecé.

La Guía fué preparada por Ange, y tenía como objeto ayudar a las personas interesadas en utilizar la instancia write.freely en — que ha sido el hogar de toda mi escritura en blogs hasta ahora.


Having been using the wonderful Write.freely blogging platform for a couple of weeks now, I finally came across a nice documentation page (Wiki in French language). [ Editor's Note : as of June, 2020, a new Web version is here; the Wiki one will soon be removed ]

Wish I had seen it earlier, as I did not find much information to learn from when I started.

The Guide was prepared by Ange, and meant to help people interested in using the write.freely instance at — which has been home for all my writing in blogs so far.

Since there's not much documentation, I thought it useful and an interesting project to take Ange's Guide and prepare an English translation, post it on my blog and spread the word.