Musings by @rg


Many times we need a place to store our Images, online

Finding some free Image Hosting for Forum, Mastodon and Blog Posts — it's something needed by many of us, when we get active in Forums, etc.

I had to find a place to host images for my Blog pages, as my usual WriteFreely platform does not offer the option of uploading an image to the server.

Have used different ones over the years, and back in December 2019, when I was starting the new Blog, went and spent a day looking for what's available, their features, etc.


“Take your information and do what you want with it.”

That suggestive text sounds like Freedom of movement is granted and important, doesn't it? That is directly copied from Documents at

The truth is less rosy though. There are easy and reliable ways to :

  • Export the list of people you Follow.
  • Export lists of people you Mute (hiding their posts from your view)
  • Export lists of people and instances you Blocked (barring their content reaching you).

Pinafore Client deserves a Discussion and Support Forum

A new Pinafore client discussions Forum is now online at Qoto's Discourse Forums

We now have a new sub-forum, dedicated to the powerful and fast Pinafore client for Fediverse instances — Mastodon, Glitch-Social, Pleroma are all supported.

I am a big fan of Pinafore, since first trying it. It is a popular client with power users, as it is FAST and Light, plus has elegant design, clean UI and many nice features.